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Award Categories

The awards will be divided into several key categories, each highlighting a different aspect of leadership in gender equality:

  1. Corporate Leadership Award
    • Honors male executives who have championed gender diversity and inclusion within their organizations, leading transformative change.
  2. Mentorship Excellence Award
    • Celebrates men who have provided outstanding mentorship to women, helping them navigate and advance in their careers.
  3. Advocacy and Awareness Award
    • Recognizes individuals who have actively advocated for gender equality in their industry, raising awareness and driving policy change.
  4. Innovation in Inclusion Award
    • Highlights men who have spearheaded innovative initiatives or projects that have significantly enhanced diversity and inclusion.
  5. Young Male Ally Award
    • Acknowledges emerging leaders (under 35) who have demonstrated a strong commitment to supporting gender equality early in their careers.
  6. Community Impact Award
    • For men who have made significant contributions to gender equality through community engagement, social impact initiatives, or nonprofit work.



Eligibility Criteria

  • Open to male professionals from all industries, with a particular focus on energy, real estate, construction, banking, finance, STEM, and leadership.
  • Nominees must have a verifiable track record of promoting gender equality and supporting women's empowerment within their organizations or communities.
  • Nominees can be from any professional level, from senior executives to rising leaders.


The Men for Change Summit and Awards is a groundbreaking initiative by EmpowerHer.Energy, dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the contributions of men who actively promote gender equality and foster diversity and inclusion across various industries. This event serves as a platform to honor male allies who are making significant strides in breaking down barriers and supporting the empowerment of women in sectors traditionally dominated by men.

The Men for Change Awards is a landmark event that underscores men's vital role in fostering an inclusive and equitable society. By honoring those who have led the way in gender equality, we aim to encourage more men to join the movement and create lasting change within their organizations and communities.



The core objective of the Men for Change Summit and Awards is to acknowledge and reward men who have shown exceptional commitment to advancing gender equality. The awards aim to inspire more men to take on leadership roles in promoting inclusivity and to encourage organizations to adopt best practices that support a diverse workforce.