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The Women in Energy Summit and Awards 2024, organized by World Elite Solutions, inspired by The Exclusive, and part of EmpowerHer.Energy is the second edition of our annual event dedicated to celebrating and recognizing the outstanding achievements of women in the energy sector. Scheduled to be held on February 21-22, 2025, this prestigious event will bring together leaders, innovators, and influencers to discuss the critical role of women in driving the future of energy. The summit will feature keynote speeches, panel discussions, and networking opportunities, culminating in an awards ceremony to honor exemplary women and organizations committed to gender diversity and inclusion.


Event Objectives


  • Empower Women in Energy: Provide a platform for women in the energy sector to share their experiences, challenges, and successes, fostering a supportive community that encourages growth and leadership.
  • Highlight Achievements: Recognize and celebrate the contributions of women who have significantly impacted the energy industry through innovation, leadership, and dedication.
  • Promote Gender Diversity: Advocate for policies and practices that enhance gender diversity and inclusion within the energy sector, showcasing best practices and success stories.
  • Foster Networking: Facilitate meaningful connections among professionals, providing opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and professional development.


The Women in Energy Summit and Awards 2024 is an event and a movement towards a more inclusive and diverse energy sector. By recognizing and celebrating the achievements of women, we inspire future generations and pave the way for a more equitable industry. The event will also catalyze meaningful conversations and actions that will drive the energy sector towards greater gender parity and innovation


Target Audience


  • Women professionals in the energy sector, including engineers, executives, policymakers, and entrepreneurs.
  • Men in leadership roles who are advocates for gender diversity and inclusion.
  • Organizations and companies committed to fostering an inclusive workplace.
  • Students and young professionals aspiring to enter the energy industry.

Lifetime Achievement Award

Community Impact Award

Corporate Excellence Award

Rising Star Award

Innovator of the Year Award

Educator Award

Diversity and Inclusion

Advocate Award

Leadership Excellence Award

Sustainability Champion Award

As a valued member of our community, we invite you to nominate exceptional women from Europe and MENA region for this prestigious recognition.

Women in Energy Awards 2024

The award categories are as follows:

Raluca Buna

Dana Sbeity

Alex Malouf

Waleed AlHallaj

Rodrigue Saab

Rabih Osta

Reem Albaghdadi

Moneef Barakat 

Meet our esteemed panel of judges for the Women in Energy Awards, distinguished experts and leaders in the industry who bring extensive experience and insight to recognize excellence and innovation in the energy sector. With their diverse perspectives and unwavering commitment to excellence, our judges ensure a fair and rigorous evaluation process to honor the outstanding achievements of women in energy.


Michele Chammas

Ghada Rahal

Christina Abi Haidar

Carol Ayat

Denisa Fainis

Total Energies

Sabine Mrad

Randa Sleiman

Diana Kaissy

Dr. Farah El Zein

Mallak Alrai

Yara Tannoury

Dr. Samar Alghalebi

Swee Kuan Liew

Dr. Veronica Bermudez

Paula Naoufal

Dr. Nawal Al Hosany

Shorouq Hammad

Dr. Sorina Mortada

Zeynep Harezi 

Heba Thahabi

Samar Akar

Hinde Liepmannsohn

Lina Hajj Hussein

Sarah Rajab

Ezgi Yilmaz

Avanthika Satheesh

Dr. Muna Albanna

Arwa Temim

Lana El Chaar

Ghada Alafranji

Israa Osman

Rana Abdou

Mira Daher

Joumana Hosri

Dalia Jubaili

Dana Sbeity

2024 Women in Energy Awards Shortlisted

2023 Women in Energy Awards Winners

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